Game Rant

Harry Ted Sprinks

Ultrakill + Battlebit + Gunfire Reborn gameplay 1
8 Cheaper Alternatives To 8 Great Games

Not every game is accessible to the hands of gamers, so here are some great and cheaper alternatives to some great games.

Super Mario Party + Super Mario Galaxy + New Super Mario Bros U 1
Nintendo: Best Mario Co-Op Games, Ranked

An adventure in the Mario series isn't complete without a co-op feature. Whether it's Mario and Luigi, or another, there's plenty of fun to be had.

Murderhouse killer, HROT enemy, Kane & Lynch from kayne and lynch 2 Dog Days 1
10 Great Games With Purposefully "Bad" Graphics

Sometimes, some of the best games are not visually restricted by being a product of their time, but they have intentionally bad graphics by design.

Lunacid, Northern Journey, Dread Delusion 1
7 Modern Games Inspired By FromSoftware's King's Field

FromSoftware is one of the most iconic developers in the industry, with several of their games providing inspiration for other popular titles.

BattleBit: Remastered Sandy Sunset, Wakistan, Frugis 1
BattleBit Remastered: Best Maps, Ranked

The following maps in Battlebit Remastered are some of the best the game has to offer.

Fallout 3 Banner Art, Fallout New Vegas Banner Art, Fallout 2 Banner Art 1
Fallout: Every Game's Starting Quest, Ranked

Every game in the Fallout franchise has a memorable starting quest in one way or another.

Twilight Imperium + Unmatched + Gloomhaven Promo art 1
8 Board Games That Feel Like Video Games

These board games should satisfy video game fans due to their similarities.

Friends Vs Friends Maps, Ranked Featured Image 1
Friends Vs Friends: Best Maps, Ranked

A PvP shooter, Friends Vs Friends' maps all have their positives, but some are better than others.

Battlebit: Remastered BlackHawk, BTR, and HUMVEE 1
BattleBit Remastered: Best Vehicles, Ranked

The right vehicle in the right situation in BattleBit Remastered can deliver a big advantage. Here's which vehicles are the most useful.

10BestAutoBattlerGames_FeaturedImage 1
10 Best Auto Battler Games, Ranked

Fans who can't get enough of the autobattler genre can't go wrong with the following games.

20 Minutes Till Dawn Character Select portraits / gameplay 1
20 Minutes Till Dawn: Best Builds

With different characters, weapons, abilities, and more to choose from, here are some of the most powerful builds in 20 Minutes Till Dawn.

Telltale's The Walking Dead, Dusk, and Dishonored 1
The Best Games That Can Be Completed In 10 Hours Or Less

From Dusk to Dishonored, the following top-notch games can easily be completed in under 10 hours.

Dark Souls Gargoyle/Andre/Daughter of Chaos 1
10 Tips For Speedrunning Dark Souls

Players who want to conquer Dark Souls as quickly as possible should consider these time-saving tips.