The community in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life is thriving, and they welcome players with open arms when they move to Forgotten Valley. Players start their new life with an old farm and a little cash in their pockets. Outside of farm work, they can explore Forgotten Valley's wildlife and spend their time getting to know the townsfolk.

The other villagers play a considerable role in the day-to-day activities, and players are encouraged to form friendships and deeper connections with everyone through conversations and yearly social events called Festivals. Each Festival has a unique theme players can participate in for fun and a little reward in some cases. This guide has everything players need to know about the seasonal festivals in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.

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What are Festivals in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

A Wonderful Life

Festivals are social events that take place once every season. Each one is hosted and run by a specific resident in Forgotten Valley. They coincide with the season they fall in, so most of the themes are reminiscent of holidays. There are four Festivals, including the following:

  • New Year's Festival
  • Fireworks Festival
  • Harvest Festival
  • Starlight Concert
A Wonderful Life

Players can track when each Festival will take place using the calendar in their house, but the day of the host will approach and let them know what time everything is starting. Going to Festivals is optional, but they are cute ways to get to know everyone and spend more time with the townsfolk and family.

New Year's Festival (Spring)

A Wonderful Life

The New Year's Festival is on Spring One every year. When players leave their house that morning, a cut scene will trigger, and Sebastian will visit to tell players that Romana is hosting a New Year's potluck at the Villa. The lunch will take place from 10 AM-5 PM that day, and players should come by with a cooked dish if they want to.

Go to the Villa in the allotted time frame, and the Festival will automatically start. If players bring a dish, they hand it over to Sebastian, and Romana compliments their food. Otherwise, they can enjoy the potluck with all the other residents.

After Year One, the player's family will meet them at all the events.

Fireworks Festival (Summer)

A Wonderful Life

The Fireworks Festival is on Summer Two every year in the evening. When players enter the farmhouse after 6 PM, the twins Charlie and Cole will approach and bring them to the beach to watch a firework show. Alternatively, they can visit the beach between 6-11 PM to trigger the event.

During Year One, they will get an opportunity to ask a resident on a date to watch with them for a chance to raise their affection level, and in the following years, their family will join them automatically. The Fireworks Festival will be canceled if it is raining that day.

Harvest Festival (Autumn)

A Wonderful Life

The Harvest Festival is like Thanksgiving in Forgotten Valley. It is meant to celebrate the yearly crop harvest by having everyone get together for lunch. The Harvest Festival is on Autumn Five, and Vesta will visit that morning when players leave their house to tell them she and Lou are hosting a lunch at the Lei-Over Inn between 10 AM-5 PM.

She suggests that players bring raw produce from their farm, such as a B-grade crop or animal products like milk, cheese, and butter. Fish, herbs, and cooked meals are not allowed. To join the event, players must go to Lei-Over Inn during Festival hours. Lou will ask if they brought anything to add, and then everyone will meet at the town square to eat.

Starlight Concert (Winter)

A Wonderful Life

The Starlight Concert is the Winter Festival from 6-11 PM on Winter Five. The Starlight Concert is a rather special event where everyone gets together to watch Gustafa, the local musician, put on a show outside his Yurt. Players can trigger the event by going to his Yurt during the time frame or entering their farmhouse to be escorted by Gavin.

Again, if it is Year One, players can ask a resident to join them. There will be several social interactions for them to increase their affection level. The highlight of the Festival happens towards the end when several shooting stars are seen in the sky. Players will get the chance to make a wish that actually affects the game. The wish options change yearly but usually have something to do with their crop harvest, friendship, family, and income.

Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life is now available for PC, PS5, Switch, and Xbox Series X/S.

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