
  • A Genshin Impact chart reveals the most popular team compositions for the challenging Spiral Abyss floors, with the top choice focusing on triggering the powerful Vaporize elemental reaction.
  • The popular team includes characters Xiangling, Bennett, Tartaglia, and Kazuha, with Tartaglia serving as the main DPS and Xiangling and Bennett praised for their Pyro abilities.
  • Another favored team composition relies on the Permafreeze concept, utilizing the Frozen reaction by combining Hydro and Cryo elements from Kokomi, Ayaka, and Shenhe, with Kazuha's adaptable Anemo abilities as support.

A Genshin Impact chart shows the most popular team compositions used in the current version of the Spiral Abyss. The game allows players to use up to four different characters in their party whose powers can be combined in order to trigger various elemental reactions.

The Spiral Abyss consists of 12 different levels called floors, each much harder than the previous one. The 12th floor is usually the hardest, and it required Genshin Impact players to use their strongest characters and specifically target the opponents' weaknesses.

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A Reddit user by the name of JackfruitNatural5474 has shared a couple of interesting charts that show the most used characters and team compositions for the hardest floor of the Spiral Abyss. According to the chart, the most popular party type included the following characters: Xiangling, Bennett, Tartaglia, and Kazuha. This team composition revolves around triggering Vaporize, one of the most popular elemental reactions in Genshin Impact which can be caused by combining Pyro and Hydro. The reaction has an even higher damage multiplier if it's triggered by the Hydro element which was most likely the case with this team since Tartaglia serves as the main DPS. This character, also known as Childe and the 11th Fatui Harbinger, has been part of the game since update 1.2, and he is still considered an S-tier Hydro DPS unit.

This team includes also includes two four-star characters, Bennett and Xiangling, who despite their lower rarity are widely considered the two best Pyro users in Genshin Impact. Bennett's healing potential and Xiangling's ability to constantly apply elemental damage can hardly be matched by any other Pyro Vision holder in the game.

The second most popular team, according to the post, is the fan favorite Permafreeze party concept which relies on immobilizing enemies by using the Frozen reaction. This elemental reaction can be triggered by combining Kokomi's Hydro with Ayaka's and Shenhe's Cryo elements. The Anemo support Kaedehara Kazuha is part of this team as well thanks to his ability to adapt to almost any party in the game. His Anemo attacks cannot interfere with other reactions which makes him the go-to support for many Travelers.

The Raiden National team comp that took the third spot is by many considered the best party type in the game since it's extremely powerful while also being very free-to-play friendly. It features the Electro Archon Raiden Shogun as the main DPS and three four-star support units: Xiangling, Bennett, and Xingqiu.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

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