Good Omens is a fun example of how scale can work in a narrative's favor. The first season was a uniquely on-point adaptation of the classic novel with the unique storytelling styles of its two writers intact. It was an epic tale with the fate of the heavens and the Earth at stake. The second season has refined its focus, determining that most fans are more interested in the ongoing "will-they-won’t-they."

The fate of Good Omens is currently unknown. Showrunner and original novel writer Neil Gaiman has been very clear with the series' intended length. It's meant to have three seasons. The first was an adaptation of the 1990 novel, the third would adapt the unproduced sequel devised shortly before the original book's release, and the second would serve as a bridge between the two. Fans will have to wait and see whether this story gets the room it deserves.

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What happens in Good Omens season 2?

Sheen as Aziraphale standing in front of Hamm as Gabriel in front of angels

The second season of Good Omens begins when the archangel Gabriel arrives on Earth with no memories and no clothes. Aziraphale and Crowley live fulfilling new lives on Earth, having escaped the wrath of the angels and demons. Aziraphale manages his bookstore while acting as the only decent landlord in recorded history for a charming young record store owner named Maggie. Crowley shirks Hell's orders with the help of a friendly demon named Shax. When Gabriel stumbles onto the London street that holds Aziraphale's bookstore, he draws unwanted attention. Gabriel doesn't remember who he is, what he's meant to be doing, or what brought him to the bookstore. Aziraphale calls Crowley for help dealing with the man who previously threatened both of their lives.

Much of this season is spent in flashbacks depicting the long history of Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship. The opening scene reveals that Crowley constructed the observable universe. When he learns that his creation will be destroyed after a few thousand years, he and his fellow underappreciated angels abandon their posts to become demons. Fans know that they were present during Adam and Eve's life, but this season depicts their intervention in the sad life of Job. They meddled in the lives of poor grave robbers in the 19th century and performed stage magic in the 1940s. Since the beginning of time, this multifaceted relationship has kept a demon and an angel together. Though these events don't play into the story much, they better establish the personality and chemistry of the two leads.

Aziraphale and Crowley discover that Heaven and Hell are hunting Gabriel. Heaven has promised a painful death to anyone found harboring him. Aziraphale and Crowley investigate the mystery behind Gabriel's amnesia and disappearance. He presents Aziraphale with a box containing nothing but a fly, which quickly flies away. They discover an anomaly that is replacing songs in jukeboxes across London. Aziraphale and Crowley perform a miracle to hide Gabriel from the prying eyes of Heaven and Hell. The energy draws the attention of the angels, who send a young emissary to Earth to monitor them. As Aziraphale investigates, Shax betrays Crowley and determines Gabriel's location. Hell sends a small army of demons to attack the bookshop, leaving Aziraphale and Crowley to defend Gabriel from the forces of evil.

How Does Good Omens season 2 end?

good-omens-metatron Cropped

Crowley is tasked with guarding Gabriel while Aziraphale investigates, leaving him alone when the demons arrive. They demand Gabriel and threaten the lives of all nearby humans if they don't get him. Thanks to the miracle cast by Crowley and Aziraphale, the demons don't recognize Gabriel. Crowley evacuates the humans and forces the young angel to bring him to Heaven. Crowley discovers that Gabriel opposed Armageddon, causing God to demote him and strike him of his memories. Aziraphale, Maggie and Maggie's unrequited love interest Nina fend off the demons, but they accidentally declare war on Hell in the process. Beelzebub, lord of Hell's armies, arrives and explains that Gabriel's memories were contained in the fly in the box. Gabriel and Beelzebub carried on a romance in secret, much like Aziraphale and Crowley. As Gabriel regains his memories, he and Beelzebub leave for Alpha Centauri to escape their responsibilities.

The Metatron, God's mouthpiece, arrives. Gabriel's absence leaves an opening in Heaven which has caused the higher-ups to succumb to in-fighting. The Metatron offers Aziraphale the job. Aziraphale is humbled by the opportunity, eager to do good for others by returning to the system he once loved. Crowley, egged on by Nina and Maggie, confesses his love for Aziraphale and begs him not to return to Heaven. Aziraphale begs Crowley to follow him to Heaven, convinced he can be reinstated as an angel. Crowley kisses Aziraphale, but the angel regretfully leaves for his new position in heaven, leaving his age-old love affair behind. The Metatron is pleased to see Aziraphale join him and explains that he'll be tasked with enacting the Second Coming of Christ.

Good Omens has one more good season left in its story. Fans will be forever saddened if the plot ends here. Aziraphale and Crowley are separated, and the Earth may be heading for a new apocalypse. It's a downer ending, but it'll be paid off if Good Omens gets the third season it deserves.

MORE: Neil Gaiman 'Would Love' to Return to Good Omens