Actions in Red Dead Redemption 2 have consequences. There are a number of story-altering decisions that players will have to make as they progress through the main missions in the game. One such decision is whether to kill Jean-Marc in the "Idealism and Pragmatism for Beginners" side quest. Jean-Marc is the Lieutenant of the Saint Denis' mayor named Henri Lemieux. Players will pick up the quest after they receive a letter from the mayor following the "Gilded Cage" quest.

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Gamers will first meet Jean-Marc at the Mayor's party, which Arthur attends. Shortly after the party, the Mayor will contact Arthur, who will work with Marc to track down Shiftacre, an art reviewer threatening to expose the Mayor's fraudulent paintings. After speaking with Shiftacre, it is clear that Jean-Marc despises the Mayor's slimy and corrupt practices. In the end, Arthur will have to either side with the Mayor or side with Jean-Marc. Here's everything players need to keep in mind about whether to kill Jean-Marc in RDR2.

Updated on August 6th, 2023, by Ritwik Mitra: Red Dead Redemption 2 is considered by many to be Rockstar's magnum opus, with the game's amazing open world and magnificent story being two of its biggest highlights. The emphasis on realism was also appreciated by many, even if some people felt like it went against the idea of video games being fun. Regardless, even the biggest critics of Red Dead Redemption 2 can't deny that this game is a technical achievement on every level and deserves all its plaudits.

There are many engaging NPCs and sidequests that players will uncover during their exploration of this massive world. The city of Saint-Denis is easily one of the highlights of the game and is positively jam-packed with content across the board. Players who explore this city and engage in the missions that take place here will eventually be introduced to both Henri Lemieux and Jean-Marc, two fascinating characters who play a central role during a series of side missions that take place in this awe-inspiring city.

Who Is Jean-Marc Mercier?

Jean Marc Mayor Red Dead 2

Jean-Marc may be a side character, but it doesn't take long for the man to prove how honorable he is. He works as a lieutenant under Henri Lemieux, the mayor of Saint Denis, who regularly engages in corrupt activities for his own gain. After accompanying him on a mission given by the mayor himself, Jean-Marc is actively displeased by the tasks he's being forced to carry out, making it clear that he doesn't want to work for such an unscrupulous individual anymore.

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Clearly, he is passionate about the city of Saint-Denis, and doesn't want it to be run by corrupt men like Lemieux. This honorable nature makes him a stand-up character, although such idealism is met with a cold, brutal death in the Wild West. Such is the fate that this man can possibly be exposed to, based on the choices that Arthur makes during this side mission.

Returning to the Mayor's Mansion

Mansion Mayor Jean Red Dead 2

After Shiftacre is intimidated into validating the paintings, the Mayor will contact Arthur again after a couple of days. This time, he wants Arthur to track down an NPC named Hector Fellowes and convince him to contribute money to a public library. Fellowes will not donate willingly, forcing Arthur to get the money by threatening him. Next, Arthur will return to the Mayor's mansion to speak with him.

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Lemieux is worried that Jean-Marc will turn on him and expose the corruption in the city. He also mentions that Jean-Marc could spread rumors about Arthur's illicit activities. Players will then need to travel to Jean Marc's home, which is in Rue De Zacharie just south of the A in Saint Denis. Gamers will spot Jean-Marc attempting to open his door, and a cutscene will initiate. Arthur will knock him out on the spot. Next, Arthur will need to take Jean-Marc back to the Mayor's house without being seen. This step should not be too difficult, as it will be nighttime.

To Kill or Not to Kill

Mayor Fake Embrace Red Dead 2

The Mayor will ask Arthur to bring Jean-Marc around to the back of the property. Once players are in the courtyard at the back of the mansion, they should drop Jean-Marc to initiate the final cutscene. Lemieux will coax Jean-Marc into thinking his life will be spared, but the Mayor's intentions are much more sinister. Jean-Marc does not help his case by calling the Mayor corrupt to his face.

At the end of the cutscene, Lemieux will order Arthur to kill Jean-Marc. Arthur will be on the fence about executing the Mayor's orders. While Jean-Marc is on his knees begging for mercy, players will have to choose whether they want to kill him or spare his life. Few players know that the quest can actually be completed by Marston instead of Arthur. The language in the final cutscene will be altered because Jean-Marc is threatening Arthur and not Marston. He will remark that Jean is "running his mouth about my friends." This small detail was a cool feature in a game with thousands of dialogue options.

What Happens if Players Kill Jean-Marc?

Jean Marc's Arm Red Dead 2

The main reward for killing Jean-Marc is a permanent 10% discount in all Saint Denis stores. The mayor will write to Arthur and send his thanks for getting rid of Marc. However, choosing this option will reduce Arthur's honor. The other consequence of the decision is that the city will begin drilling on the Indian Reservation.

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After killing Jean-Marc, players will need to dump him into a nearby pond at the North end of the property. If players return to the same location and fish near the area at a later time, they will unlock a hidden Easter egg. Once the line is cast, Arthur will reel something in, but it will not be a fish. At the end of the line, Jean Marc's arm will be attached to the hook.

What Happens if Players Spare Jean-Marc?

Red Dead Jean Marc

If Arthur lets Jean-Marc go, he will disseminate information regarding all of the Mayor's corrupt practices. Players will receive positive honor points as well. After a few days of in-game time, Arthur will be informed that Jean-Marc is the new mayor of Saint Denis. Amid the damning allegations, Lemieux will be forced to step down from his position.

Despite the Mayor's claims that Jean-Marc will implicate Arthur, the morally correct decision is to let the man walk. Still, the 10% discount and the incredible Easter egg are tough to ignore. The great thing about Red Dead Redemption 2 is that there is no correct way to play the game. Regardless of which option they choose, gamers will enjoy completing the side quest, which is one of the most intriguing in the game.

What Decision Should Players Make?

red dead 2's arthur morgan aiming a revolve at an off-scene character

At the end of the day, whatever players choose to do in this story is wholly dependent on the playthrough they are going for. After all, both low and high Honor playthroughs in Red Dead Redemption 2 make for a great time, with Arthur either succumbing to his demons or choosing to be the bigger man whenever the situation calls for it. At a glance, making the decision to kill a character in a side mission may not seem like a big deal, but it definitely helps from a storytelling standpoint for the player.

Sparing Jean-Marc is the morally right thing to do, leading to the Mayor's corruption being revealed and Arthur gaining Honor. It's the good choice to make in the game, but players can still choose to kill Jean-Marc instead if they want to stay in the mayor's good books. This counts as a dishonorable action, but players get a 10% discount across all stores in Saint Denis, although this isn't really a huge benefit if players have been mindful of their finances and have built up a small fortune while exploring the world of Red Dead Redemption 2.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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