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The world of Faerun in Baldur's Gate 3 is filled with things that want to kill players, but many should know that before they began playing there are a few more options than "kill them first."

For the uninitiated, Baldur's Gate 3 is the third entry in a series of games built off the Forgotten Realms setting in Dungeons & Dragons. While combat is a central part of D&D, there are often ways to avoid it or make the combat easier if players are smart, outlandish, or both. For example, instead of fighting giant spiders directly, players might try talking it out. In one part of Baldur's Gate 3, players have the chance to do exactly that.

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Have 'Speak to Animals'

Players cannot talk to animals by default in Baldur's Gate 3. They will need to use a supernatural ability or the spell "Speak to Animals" to accomplish this. Among the Early Access classes of Baldur's Gate 3, the ranger learns this spell, and warlocks can use Beast Speech for the same effect. Everyone else can use a Potion of Animal Speaking, if they can find one.

Finding the Spiders

The spiders in question are locked in a pit in the Defiled Temple, part of the Shattered Sanctum. Players can get in a couple of different ways, the most direct being Gut, the Goblin Priestess who can "heal" the player. In reality, this just knocks them out so she can kidnap them. Players can also get in the front way by sneaking past an ogre guard. As of this time, player romance options do not include seducing either Gut or the ogre, though this may change in the future.

Persuading the Spiders

Once found, the spiders will not attempt to attack the players immediately, as they are separated by a gate. That doesn't mean they aren't thinking about it, as the player will quickly learn when speaking with them. However, the spiders can be deceived or persuaded to get them to not eat the player. If deceived, the spiders will think the player is cursed, spoiled meat. Once they don't want to eat, they'll leave the player alone. However, if players persuade the spiders that goblins are better eating, the spiders will help the player fight off goblins instead. This leaves players free to find and solve the Moon Door Puzzle of the temple.

Special Option: Lolth Touched

If a player is a Lolth-Touched Drow, they have one more option: Persuade the spiders that they are Lolth, the Spider Queen goddess. It's a tricky persuasion check, because if they fail the player learns that Lolth was listening in on the conversation and is not amused. If the player succeeds, the spiders will not only fight for them, but tell them there's another drow in the Temple, one who doesn't follow Lolth. Players may only find this option if they take the dev's advice and make less generic characters.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available in Early Access for Mac, PC, and Stadia.

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