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Baldur's Gate 3 is a role-playing, strategy game set in a world that high-fantasy lovers will enjoy. Gamers have the freedom to choose from a variety of races as well as classes that will best fit their play style while exploring with companions.

Related: Baldur's Gate 3: Druid Class – What You Need To Know

With many of these classes being magic-based, these spell choices are plucked straight from the world of Dungeons and Dragons, making Baldur's Gate 3 a great title to be picked up by tabletop fans. There is a variety of powerful and entertaining spells to decide from that can make combat against, bandits, goblins, or even the biggest of foes much easier, it's just about picking the right ones.

10 Speak With Animals – Level One Spell

Over the shoulder shot of a player with a staff being approached by a large owlbear creature in Baldur's Gate 3

As one of the few spells that work better outside of combat, players that pick up the Speak With Animals spell are sure to have a different experience while playing compared to others. A large portion of Baldur's Gate is the dialogue, and this can be expanded further through the chance to talk to animals.

This could open up new ways of solving issues, as well as just being a fun element to explore. Since it can be learned by the majority of spell casting classes such as Bards, Druids, Rangers, and Warlocks, it can be easily selected on a character.

9 Healing Word – Level One Spell

Selecting Healing Word as a Spell in Baldur's Gate 3

It is important for players to keep their hit points high, especially when in intense combat. This can be easily done by selecting the bard, cleric, or druid class. However, due to the companion Shadowheart being a trickster cleric, she is also capable of learning this spell.

Healing word is by far one of the weakest healing spells available, as it only heals for one four-sided dice plus the character's spell casting ability modifier. It can also be used at a longer distance, which means to heal other characters, the player doesn't need to be as close to them.

8 Bane – Level One Spell

Ranged combat in Baldur's Gate 3, one of the enemies is inflicted with Bane

Controlling the battlefield and debuffing foes is a crucial role for spell-casting classes. Bane does especially this as it can target up to three creatures, inflicting them with a four-sided dice penalty on their attack rolls, meaning they will do less damage to the player's team.

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The classes' bard, cleric, and warlock have the freedom to learn this spell which can affect a creature for up to ten turns of combat as long as the character can withhold concentration on the spell. Nevertheless, Bane is a brilliant spell to use if players are worried about the amount of damage an enemy can cause.

7 Guiding Bolt – Level One Spell

Combat with a trickster cleric in Baldur's Gate 3

Players can do even better than only inflicting damage on a turn, but also increasing the chance of damage during the next time they hit that foe. Guiding Bolt gives clerics, and possibly wizards if they can locate a scroll, the power to do exactly that.

During the player's turn, by successfully hitting an enemy with Guiding Bolt the enemy will take four, six-sided dice worth of radiant damage which will then grant advantage on the next attack on them. This means it is more likely to hit the enemy.

6 Cure Wounds – Level One Spell

The companion Shadowheart talking to the player

Once again, healing is crucial if players hope to survive intense strategic battles. Cure Wounds is far more powerful than Healing Word as it blesses characters with one, eight-sided dice of healing plus the character's spell casting modifier.

However, the spell caster must be nearby the person they wish to heal as it has a shorter casting distance, not to mention that it also takes an entire action to cast over the bonus action of Healing Word. It would be argued by players that both spells are worthwhile as they have situation difference in when they would be used.

5 Witch Bolt – Level One Spell

A character casting Witch Bolt in Baldur's Gate 3

A spell that is strictly for damage that can be cast by Warlocks, Wizards, and Sorcerers, it can cause a lot of damage if players successfully hit a foe with it. It not only commits a decent bit of damage, but can also be used in future rounds automatically once it has hit.

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Players link themselves with an enemy using a bolt of purple lightning. This initially does one twelves-sided dice worth of lightning damage. This then can be automatically activated each turn to damage the foe for another possible twelve-sided dice worth of damage as long as concentration on the spell remains.

4 Eldritch Blast – Cantrip

Someone about to cast Eldritch Blast

Any fans of Dungeons and Dragons will know that this is one of the most used Cantrips ever. Even though it can only be wielded by warlocks, this Cantrip is brilliant due to not requiring the player to use up spell slots to cast it.

Baldur's Gate 3 also keeps the power of Eldritch Blast, as warlocks that cast it will damage a foe for a possible ten-sided dice worth of damage as long as they successfully complete a ranged attack roll. Gamers can increase the chance of hitting by getting up high, as this will give them an advantage on the roll.

3 Hex – Level One Spell

A battle where an enemy has Hex casted on them with a disadvantage to Wisdom in Baldur's Gate 3

Warlocks get all the best spells, and Hex is no different. As a spell which is a bonus action, players can inflict a horrific curse on their foes, damaging them for an additional six-sided dices worth of necrotic damage after hitting them with a normal attack.

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This extra damage can really help during teeth-gritting combat, where every bit of damage can help. Not only this, but the effected creature will also have a disadvantage on a skill of the player's choice. If the creature dies before the spell is over, the player can reapply it another for free.

2 Inflict Wounds – Level One Spell

Intense combat in Baldur's Gate 3 where the enemy is being attacked by creatures that look like demons

It's surprising to see a cleric spell that causes so much damage to an enemy, but with Inflict Wounds, players are not messing around. By successfully passing a melee attack roll, a player can cause three ten-sided dices worth of damage, this means on an incredibly lucky roll an enemy could take thirty hit points of damage.

An issue with this spell is that it must be used up close, this means a player may be putting their cleric at risk, especially if they aren't able to wear heavy armor.

1 Poison Spray – Cantrip

Player in a dark place showing their spell bar which contains Poison Spray in Baldur's Gate 3

A simple Cantrip can go a long way, especially ones that are open to a wide range of classes, making it readily available for all players. Druids, warlocks, wizards and sorcerers, all have the freedom to cast this cantrip inflicting their enemies with a noxious gas that causes one twelve-sided dices worth of damage.

Unlike other spells which require the player to roll a ranged or melee attack roll, this ability relies on the enemy succeeding on a constitution saving roll to avoid the damage. Players can inspect enemies to see the likelihood of Poison Spray succeeding before using it, however it is a great spell for beginner battles.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available now for PC in early access.

More: Baldur's Gate 3: Things We Wished We Knew Before Playing